
A few weeks ago my husband and I realized the time for me to quit my job was coming. We started talking about it, praying about it, planning our finances, and looking for a new job.
Now, I was aware that it was kind of crazy. I was making good money and had good benefits, so I was afraid of what people would think of me: "In this economy, your job is a blessing, you're crazy!" "what are you going to do now?" and so on, accompanied with those 'looks' people give you when they don't approve of something you're doing.

But it really came down to this: money is not everything to us. Now, we're not some kind of irresponsible kids who do things based on emotions and only remember responsibilities when they really start to choke them. We know we have to pay rent, car insurances, groceries, etc. But, there were various reasons why I needed to leave, and so I let my bosses know I was going to start looking. I wanted to be professional and considerate for them to fill my position because I managed a caseload - not an easy thing to just leave without a replacement as this 'caseload' concerns people's homes, after all.

So, the time came when I was supposed to step down from my position, but I had planned on staying until they found someone or I found a new job. That was the arrangement. For reasons beyond me, I was told out of the blue that I wasn't needed anymore,, even though no replacement had been hired yet. And to top it all, my last paycheck came down to a wooping $17, when I had expected $900 and something. Companies' policies sometime can be a killer.

We freaked out. I cried a little, pouted at the injustice of a few things going on, 
and was mad for a while.
I didn't understand.

But my loving husband and supportive family were amazing, and so I calmed down and breathed.

We could get by for a little bit on savings and Ryan's job, but it was going to be tight. Especially because this same month we were moving.

So our plans were completely turned upside down:
- We wanted a bigger space. Now we needed to downsize and save as much as possible.
- We had planned to go to a conference (regarding our side business We had no $ money for this now.
- We had expected $900 something from my paycheck to move, live, pay stuff, etc. I received only $17 as my last paycheck.

So now what?

Welcome to the real life. This was grown up stuff. I forget sometimes that I am 25. I am supposed to act like a grown up. But I wasn't ready. I didn't know how to react to this.
But we prayed, carried on, and kept knocking on doors.

  • Then I get a text: I was still able to attend the conference - my friend had an extra ticket.
  • We found an apartment: a nice one, in the area we wanted, with only a $150 deposit, and that would save us a bit over $150 a month of rent.
  • Shortly after, I signed a contract to coordinate a wedding and earned some unexpected money there.
  • And today, I came out of my third (and final) interview for a job I wanted. I got my foot in the door of the restaurant industry with a prospect to an awesome position down the road - which is exactly what I wanted!

This grown up stuff can be tiring, but man, the feelings you get when something unexpected makes your day, week, whatever, is amazing!

I am amazed at the way God has provided for us. At the way our families have been there for us. At the way things are working out for the best.
I am encouraged and excited.

I am nervous. No doubt, a change can make me nervous. But change is good. Change is challenging, and it makes me appreciate my loved ones even more. It makes me appreciate these blessings in disguise. And they teach me a lot about who I am, while reminding me where I come from, and where I want to go.
So 2012 is already quite exciting.

As I learned in that awesome conference I got to go to "we put our goals in rock, but our plans in sand." What may seem like a step down (from a good salary to a not so enticing hourly wage) may change our plans of how to achieve those goals. But the goals remain, and the change of plans will only make us work extra hard to accomplish reach those dreams. It will push us out of our comfort zone. And at the end, we will only be grateful for those challenges!

We are learning every day about being married, about fighting for our dreams, and about not settling.
And as crazy and tough as it may get at days, we are reminded that this is a journey, and we carry on with our hopes in sight, but never forgetting what we have learned along the way.

Thank you, God, husband, family & friends.

p.s. My reasoning behind the detailed info ($ and whatnot) is to prove a point of those drastic changes, and so that I may remember in the future, what it was exactly we went through during this time and how huge these miracles truly are.