Not a poetic blog, just a clear-my-head blog.
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about career options, my calling in life, and what the purpose behind it is. I am torn, because when I read the Bible, there is nothing specific about what job path I should be in, or what I can practically do with my talents. I think this is the beauty of walking with God and taking it one day at a time.
I'm not going to lie, however, its a little frustrating at times. But then there are days when I feel that this is one of those blessings in disguise. Not having a job, or very specific dream set in stone makes me feel like I am open to whatever God calls me in the different stages of my life. The confusion is still there though, but maybe patience is being developed?
When it comes to purpose, to me, the Bible seems to be clear: we are made to glorify God and have a relationship with him, we are to love people around us, and we are to do everything unto God (Colossians 3). Simple. Yet how does that translate into our every day life, our choice of career and job, and what about those talents that we were given? How do we focus on the after life, while we live out our calling here? How do you blend those two, without making our careers our idols (we do spend more than a third of our day working)? How do we use our abilities to honor God's calling in our lives?
I haven't quite figured it out.
I know a few things:
- I love the arts, anything related to creativity. My ideal job would involve something creative
- I would love to create a business that focuses on helping people. A self sustaining unit. A system, so that those that seemingly can't help themselves, can.
- I want to do something that combines people's passions and corner stones of life (God, family, love, community, hope, joy) into one.
- I love stories - whether written, spoken, painted, photographed, or filmed - I would love to learn how to tell them through all these mediums.
- I'm eager to figure out what I need to do, but enjoying the suspense and adventure.
- I really enjoy putting together events, and working hard on longer-term (months) projects for it all to beautifully come together in one day.
- I have SO many ideas swimming in my head of things I want to do, business related, mission related, family related, and hobby related.
So, I don't know what my next step should be yet. And I think I have the rest of the year to go back to school and start focusing on a career, but for now, I don't want to give up this restlessness. I want to press on to find out how to translate purpose into both worlds, how to live out my seven minutes, how to honor God through dreams, jobs, and life decisions. I was really inspired by this blog. I don't want the lack of knowledge to inhibit me from getting onto the right track.
There is something about the stroke of a paint brush, the ink of pen on a diary, the shutter sound of a camera, and the endless hours of editing a video, that simply strikes a cord in me. And since I think creativity, and pushing myself on this, is part of what my future life is going to involve, I am going to try a little experiment:
Every week day, I will do something creative and blog a bit about it on my other blog in a "Creative Today" section. It won't necessarily be anything big, or small. Just something creative. Maybe a short story, a drawing, a photograph, or even a paper flower. It may be a small portion of a bigger project. I just want to stretch my creativity to the max, but keeping in mind that all this does not define me as a person, it only complements who I am, and my daily activities. So here it goes...
Today I become a writer, an artist, an occasional photojournalist and filmmaker, a cook, a homemaker and designer, a diy-er at heart: I'm a mixed media artist. I choose to create a future, but to blend it with a purpose and a mission. To take advantage of this time on earth, while focusing on the life to come.