Of art and standing still
Capturing life at its peaks
A high and a low
And all the moments in between
A spark such as a firefly's
The need to create
Or just let life stand still
An urge to appreciate
A call to not get trapped
A short-lived life
At 80 or 24
There's this need in me. Life sometimes feels like its slipping away, while I just watch it do so. I just want to make it count. Its something recent really, and perhaps its because of the changes that are about to come. Its a little intimidating, but not inhibiting. Its actually made me think and appreciate life more. But its also driving me crazy, because I am yet to figure out what I am supposed to do, how am I supposed to spend the rest of my life?A high and a low
And all the moments in between
A spark such as a firefly's
The need to create
Or just let life stand still
An urge to appreciate
A call to not get trapped
A short-lived life
At 80 or 24

I sometimes wish I had the talent and knowledge to make videos or write songs. One of my favorite things to do is tell stories, whether through painting or words, it has always been something I am passionate about. However, up until recently, storytelling was always a private passion. I don't know what sparked it. Maybe I feel the need to warn others so they don't make the mistakes I have made, or maybe its so I never forget what life has been like for me. Maybe its a combination of both.
So for now, maybe that's my mission. To learn how to tell stories through a different medium.

"I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly."