What a crazy and amazing day. January 6th is now forever engraved in my heart.
Earlier this week, Ryan had said he wanted us to have a date night. With all the craziness of the end of the semester, finishing a job at which I had been for almost three years, Ryan's hectic work schedule, my family coming into town, my birthday, graduation, and the holidays, everything had felt like a blur. An amazing blur, but a blur nonetheless. We needed some laid back and alone time, to take it all in.
I was more than ecstatic about the idea of having date night.

So I took my time getting ready. I knew what dress I wanted to wear. I took out my coat I had never used before. My hair wasn't cooperating, but in the end it worked out with my mom's help. My make up was just the way I wanted. And I waited for him to pick me up.
He got to my place, and my first thought was that he looked sooo handsome, I just wanted to hug him and not let go.
I hate it every time he leaves, and I absolutely long to see him and just be with him every time we're apart.
So we left, and we were our own silly selves in the car - that's us, laughing together and at each other constantly. He said we had reservations and was rushing to get there on time.
So we get to downtown St. Pete (one of my favorite places around here) and he says that before we get to where we're going he wants to stop for some tea - I thought, "that's so random, but ok!"
Then we realized neither of us have any change for the parking meter - oh crap, we better make this quick (I had just gotten a ticket there a month before). We walk in and he orders his tea. I have to use the restroom, and he says to hurry up. I come out and he's filling out something. He then tells me its a survey and hands me one. I'm thinking "I don't even like tea, hence why I didn't order tea, so how could I rate them on their service?" He said it didn't matter, so I just did it anyways. We finished it and the manager takes it, and then says that they have a gift for us as a thank you for participating in their survey. And then hands us this big box wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. I thought again "Really?! that's so random!" So I want to open it and Ryan says to wait til we get outside. We get outside and I immediately ask if I can open it now, and he says to wait, that he's got a spot to show me.... I just wanted to open it right there! But I waited...

We drive towards the Vinoy side of town and he parks. There's a pretty little park in between the pier and downtown. A little peninsula with a bench facing the awesome downtown St. Pete buildings, with a little harbor in front of it. The sky is a purple haze, as the sun is setting, its windy and so romantic. We sit down, and he brings the tea because he knows I will "get cold and will want to hold it," I love how much he knows me. So we sit down in this perfect little bench and I get to open the present we got for being incredibly helpful by filling out that survey (in which all my answers were kept strictly to a "yes" or "no"). It turns out it was a box of some Christmas snowflake light thing.... what?!
Ever since the beginning, when we'd talk on the phone I'd ask him to tell me a story, and that's how our parallel characters (Bryan and Baola) were born. Every time, he would tell me how 'their' relationship was progressing. I loved it so much that I thought our story was worth writing down. But even though we had talked about it various times, we had never taken the time to write it out.
I'm a very nostalgic person. I want to remember everything. Sort of 'Notebook' -ish.
So he took the time to write everything down and turn it into an awesome scrapbook, describing our story, from the beginning to this point. I was shocked and amazed. He didn't miss anything. He presented everything so well, and had even our little inside jokes, names, etc. But it was so well written that others wouldn't be lost if they read it.
He read me the whole story, it was so cute! He'd miss lines here and there, I thought he seemed nervous (or in a hurry - I learned later - so we wouldn't miss the sunset). I laughed so much at some of the things he had written down. I seriously couldn't get over how absolutely amazing everything was put together. It was "us" on paper. I felt a huge sense of happiness, excitement, love, and... nervousness. I saw where this was heading. Could it be?

At the end of the story, I knew it, I knew what he was about to ask me! Oh my gosh! I had no idea what to think, except that this is it... this is what I never really imagined as a little girl, but how oddly enough, I was feeling so giddy (like a little girl) about! When I was little I was never the type of girl that daydreamed about her wedding day, I was more preoccupied with drawing, painting, and playing with my dogs outside, so now it felt like what I never expected or wished for had somehow now expressed itself to me as a dream, and became true, all in a matter of seconds. I wanted to cry and laugh, but more than anything, I couldn't stop giggling. We walked over by the water, and he said something, I don't remember exactly what, I was too busy looking into those gorgeous blue eyes and trying to keep all my emotions together so I could put into one word everything I was feeling. That one word that I had used so many times before, but that never bore the same meaning or importance, and that it never will again. He got down in one knee, and opened a little box while asking me if I would marry him. I said "OF COURSE!!!" without hesitation (I meant to say YES, but I wasn't even aware of the words that came out of my mouth - I had to ask him later what exactly I had said). I needed him to get up so I could just hug him and not let go! I didn't even see the ring. I felt it on, and I just kept thinking, "I love him. I am so not aware of anything else but that." Time stood still. Yet my thoughts were going 1k/second.
I'm going to be his wife. He's going to be my husband. Am I tearing up? But how, if I can't stop smiling?!

Ah, I have no idea how long we were there just hugging, laughing, and calling each other 'fiance.' But eventually we went back to what will forever be known as "our bench." It was getting really cold, so we walked back to his car and sat there and just talked. He told me everything. The fact that he'd had the ring over a month now! the fact that everyone knew! How he had talked to my parents and asked for my hand in marriage. Holy cow, all that he did for me! And then I got teary-eyed. Just like I am right now writing about this.
This is the man that was meant for me. This is the man that I'm going to marry. He is going to be the father of my children some day. And I couldn't be happier. I know through ups and downs, arguments and moments of absolute bliss, he's the one I want by me. Life with him will be an adventure. There are no words to really explain all this.
Is this how God feels about us? I realize this is a great example of God's grace. I am loved by choice, when I'm a sinner. I am fought for, and pursued, when I sometimes take life for granted. Wow. Marriage is going to be a crazy adventure! And I cannot wait.
So the night is not over. Seriously?!

He drives around downtown St. Pete and after some frustrating time trying to find somewhere to park, we end up at a parking garage. I don't recognize where we are (he had me close my eyes this whole time), once we get out of the building he says I have to close my eyes again, and he is now guiding me through the streets... talk about trusting him - I don't know why, but that simple act of walking around central av. with my eyes closed made me dizzy. I heard cars all around me, and with every step I took I honestly thought I was going to run into something, even though he was holding my hand and the six-inch rule didn't apply here. And him, being his witty self just said "this is a perfect exercise for marriage.... TRUST me!" Haha okkk, no argument there!
We go up some stairs, and then I open my eyes when we walk inside. I think we're at Ceviche's (one of my favorite restaurants). We go to the downstairs area and I start recognizing people. Esther is there, with Danielle, and Neal and Jesse, then Dan and Carol, my parents and siblings, Ryan's parents, Kels and Tiff, Tyler and Alli, JP and Marisol, Matt (who I had just talked to on the phone and kept it all a secret). Oh my gosh!! They all hug us and congratulate us. I have never felt so loved and supported in my life! I start telling the story of the proposal and showing my awesome and gorgeous ring off. I feel so girly right now. And so loved! Did I say that already? I cannot believe this is all happening. I'm in love, we're engaged, and the people closest to us, and that we love the most, are right here celebrating with us!

We ate, we laughed, and we shared a really special time together. It all happened so fast, yet I felt like I was so aware of every second that went by that night. Everything was perfect. The proposal, the ring, and the celebration. What could be better than this?
So it is now 2011, a new year, full of new things. I am engaged, I get to start a new job, a new life... but knowing that this year I get to marry the man that has exceeded all of my dreams and expectations is the best of this year's beginnings!
Thank you God, for this is only possible because of your grace, your love, and your hand in our lives. Our prayer is to live a life that's worthy of the call you have put in our hearts as individuals and as a couple.
And thank you to everyone that was there (and those who couldn't make it but have been there all along), for this was possible because of your love, support and prayers. We love you all dearly.

Thanks to our friend Esther for all the wonderful pictures! To see more of our surprise engagement party go here!
We cannot wait to share with you the rest of this beginning of our lives as one!!