Logical? Not

"Logic is a man's quest, not God's. It is a desire to explain what often could not be explained"
I read this in a book last week, and it just stuck out. I have this thing with written words, the eloquence of many authors make up for my lack of it, and sometimes they say what's been stirring in my heart... that's why I love reading.
This quote in particular I absolutely embraced. My life has been anything but logical, and often I find myself trying to have an explanation to why things happen the way they do, but even more so, why I do the things I do. Sometimes I think I'm crazy, and there are some that will vouch for me in that statement as well... yet things seem to fit, sometimes slowly, sometimes in the blink of an eye, but eventually I start seeing the pieces of some huge puzzle being put together... and its exciting, and terrifying all at the same time.
And while I love people, there is always this thing that totally annoys me, and that I know I am guilty of myself at times. But as far as my life goes, not many people understand it, and I'm ok with that. But what really bugs me is when I am judged, so don't, for no one has the right to do so in a critical and belittling manner. If you want to do so in the way we are actually called to as brothers and sisters in Christ, then please do so. But unless you don't know what that is supposed to be like, then I could really use your lack of words. One explanation though: I try to live my life as I think I should, following what's been engraved in my heart and soul, and honoring God to the best of my abilities. Yes, I am human and I make mistakes, but so do you.
If you feel judged by my actions, then know that is not my intention, for my reasons behind the things that I do are far and beyond wanting to please people. Yet, I must say, that in a sense, facing people's criticism and ridiculuos statements (whether spontaneous or well thought out) have hinted that I am probably doing something right, and for that, I am at peace.