Captivity leads to dreams
The fairy tale & impossible kind of dreams.
Freedom begets a sense of settling?
As if knowing that having such freedom is enough
What is freedom worth if not appreciated or used?
We fight for freedom from others, triumphant at times
Then we proceed to build cages
Futile nonsense being the tools
And so we fight, a meaningless fight
Against those prisons built with our hands
And as the last dawn appears
A trial of freedom is had
Only to realize - time is no longer your friend
Maybe we don't know the definition of freedom after all.
I have never suffered any type of physical captivity, but growing up I heard of many people that did, read chronicles of kidnappings and was sometimes exposed to such talk. When is say captivity, I don't limit it to physical restraints. I'm also talking about the mind state, an unfulfilling job that is safe, settling because it is easy or comfortable, not fighting for dreams, and all the other variations of these.
I will never forget.
I met a young man, about our age (19). Mr. Elias. He had big dreams. Dreams to study, and help others. But he was very aware of the shackles. He couldn't go back to the Congo, and he couldn't leave the camp. "It is as if my arms have been cut off," is what I remember him saying the most. And while he had this struggle, he walked around content. Content that he was alive, and that even though his future seemed anything but what he hoped for, he had developed the strength and willingness to fight for his dreams, should he have the chance.
Live. Strength. Willingness.
Maybe this is what we lack. We need to realize that just because we are alive doesn't mean we live. We were made to LIVE, not just get by or survive. We need to realize that God has equipped us... that the strength needed to go after those crazy dreams comes from Him! That maybe, just maybe, He's the one that has given us those dreams. We also need to realize that dreams coming true doesn't just happen. We have to have the willingness to fight for them, to work for them.
Captivity may not be ideal, but it is comfortable. Comfortable in the sense that you don't have to make decisions. Life is dictated by others around you. There is hardship, but also security and stability. A paradox? I think so.
Freedom, yes it gives you the outlet to create. To create life, your dreams, to help and impact others. But the weight of such responsibility is tremendous. So we settle. A paradox? I think so.
So what are we willing to do with our freedom? How are we going to fight, not only for our freedom, but to see the result of it in our lives?
Let's not glamorize captivity any more.
Let's truly LIVE.